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Book Kenny Omega when he joins us

No.9422536 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Week one: teaser video of a hooded figure in Japan walking around.
Week two: Seth Rollins says he “knows that guy is coming”
Week three: Seth issues an open challenge for the next week
Week 4: Seth vs Omega ends when Seth gets DQd, he’s so angry and obsessed with winning that the gets a chair
Week 5: Kenny speaks, explains that he’s here for “real competition and REAL WRESTLING not flippy garbage”
Week 6 thru 10 - have him win short matches against guys like Gable, Lee, and Mustafa
Week 11 - he says he needs a PLE opponent and Seth comes out, stares him down
Week 12 - Kenny wins at PLE

He’s effectively made at this point and would fit in well in the US and IC scene for about a year