>>9426416It starts small. In the entertainment business, you have people constantly criticizing your looks, especially if you're a girl. Your lips are too small, your cheeks are too big, your boobs are too small, you have a big chin etc. and it begins to affect those people and their self esteem regarding their looks, especially if they were already fragile and self concious about them in the first place.
Then they realize they have a ton of moeny to spend now, so they start getting some work done, either to make themselves feel better, impress others, maybe for career reasons they think bigger boobs will mean a push or whatever. Then once they get their work done, they start to feel good about themselves, they feel pretty, but its only temporary. So they get more work done, and more, and more, then bloat their lips to extremes. Then they look in the mirror one day, realize they're bogged and try to get more work done to unbog. But the reversal causes some pretty rapid aging in short time. The skin doesn't like it.