Thought for sure I had found a download for Bati Bati 36, but had two copies of Bati Bati 37, one of which was labeled as 36. I don't know how many in here know of or care about Fu-Ten at all, but on the off-chance someone knows where to get that show, let me know.
>>9458407I don't know if I agree with that. I think he's good, definitely above average on a global scale, I just don't like him as much as the guys he tends to go over. I definitely would've rather seen Shingo or Henare in his quarterfinals spot, and he could've lost to Finlay earlier on. The Henare match was great, so was the Goto one.
Saying this has made me realize I not only missed their night entirely, but also lost my notes. I did think my folder looked a bit thin this week. That's annoying.