I think the most impressive streak of all is the one where smarks give their hot takes on which wrestlers should be given a push and which ones shouldn't be and it's literally never, ever, correct, and this goes back to the old newsgroup days of the 90s when smarks were bitching about NWO and SCSA in 96/97/98 despite those storylines/wrestlers being so over as fuck they literally caused mayhem in popular culture on a nightly basis because everyone, and I mean literally everyone, had pro wrestling on their mind, either because they watched it regularly, were too scared to watch it, or at least wondered about it or were fascinated by it.
Smarks always have had consistently the most retarded, wrong positions on things, and it's really quite pathetic. Here are the facts: nobody cares that you think Goldberg didn't have the look or the charisma or intensity or one of the greatest runs of all time, because everyone else witnessed that he did, and enjoyed it. Nobody cares that you think some random, boring, charisma vacuum of some obscure wrestler should be or should've been pushed because of his "workrate" or you followed him when he was in the indies, or because he's a dimeless charisma-less look-less shitter and that makes you feel better about your own dimeless, charisma-less, look-less self.
You know nothing about wrestling or booking. You're pathetic. You're the "UMM ACKSHUALLY" guy that everyone hates and makes fun of, and then you run home to watch your anime and your flippy shit and cry as you stuff your fat acne ridden face (there are ways to cure that, you know, but you hate yourself so much you don't even try, because you know even if you solved it people would still hate you) because you know everyone is right to hate you, but you embrace your hateable self instead of improving yourself.
Go somewhere else. We don't want you here, either. Like, you're not even entertaining or funny, we literally just don't want to see or hear from you or your kind.