>>9609755>Leaves WWE (KWAB)>Wins Global Force Championship (KWAB)>Works Impact Solely so his wife can work Knockouts division and fuck Moose. (KWAB)>Creates AEW and is immediately booked like shit. Never wins a major title besides a ring gimmick (KWAB)>Works Nu Japan. Doesnt win the big title despite being in a business where a plane ticket to Japan comes with the IWGP Heavyweight Championship for a gaijin wrestler (KWAB)>Crawls back to WWE with hopes of winning the big one even though he still would have eventually won the AEW World Title (KWAB)>Tear your muscle on return to WWE. Out of Action. (KWAB)>Vince comes back and PLANS CHANGE PAL and you end up KWABing the main event of mania.(KWAB)>Now stuck in WWE which is merging with UFC and you will now forever be a midcarder because McGregor and others will now be taking the top spot. (KWAB)Don't worry anon people will eventually forget all about your fuck up and will just remember CAWdy as GOATKWAB