>>9620146Cena was never a draw in fact he was just proto-roman
He never wanted to push Steve Austin, he wanted him to be a career midcarder
He never wanted Rock to get promo time, he wanted him to be Rocky Miavia
Randy Savage and his father were credited for creating Hulkamania, Vince didn't do that either
Bret Hart was their biggest draw after the WMV disaster, and Vince jobbed him out to Yokozuna only to have Hogan win it in 15 seconds despite Hogan already being a anti draw by then
He had Ric Flair, Randy Savage in their prime with Bret Hart, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and still managed to fuck it up.
He let Triple H and Shawn Michaels politic the company into the ground after Bret Hart's departure
Everyone backstage told him pushing Triple H was a bad idea, and Vince insisted on it anyway.
The Austin heel turn was his idea because he believed he was a bigger draw as a heel than Austin was as a babyface, despite fans booing the shit out of Rock for months leading up to WM17