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Becky Lynch Says She Was A Bubbling Mess After Sami Zayn And Kevin Owens Won At WrestleMania 39
>"If you saw me afterwards, I was a blubbering mess, I have known those guys since I was 19 years old "We wrestled in front of less than 100 people in Italy. We toured together. I love those guys; they're like brothers to me."

Becky Lynch Knows She Can't Wrestle Forever, Trying To Enjoy It
>"There is gonna be a day when I'm not going to be able to go out in front of 80,000 people screaming my name and at WrestleMania, and so you have to start thinking 'What is that retirement plan?'"
>"I personally will never be able to not work I don't think. I love working creatively, I love collaborating with people ... Maybe our mind will tell us that that day is up, or maybe our bodies will tell us that day is up."

Becky Lynch Nears The Finishing Stages Of Book She's Written The Last Couple Of Years
>"I finished it, so now we're in the editing process. I've done it very slowly over maybe a year or two. [But] you start overthinking. It's funny because you start to change [things up], so then you're going back. So I need to stop. [Luckily,] it's with the editor." [sic]