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While speaking on Know Mercy with Stephen A. Smith, Becky Lynch talked about the importance of the growing share of the fanbase women have nowadays in general. Lynch stated that gender no longer matters for WWE Superstars and further explained her point.
>“I think our female audience is 40% now? And I think you get that relatability. For example, the UFC, I prefer watching the women fight, because I’m a woman, so I can picture myself in that regard. It’s just … we’re all just people doing a sport. We’re all just telling stories. I think, gender aside, we do bring in a larger female audience because we show what [women are] capable [of]. But, in general, I think we’re at this stage, where, gender be damned, we’re just flowing with our stories and we’re just [WWE] Superstars.”
>“I think our female audience is 40% now? And I think you get that relatability. For example, the UFC, I prefer watching the women fight, because I’m a woman, so I can picture myself in that regard. It’s just … we’re all just people doing a sport. We’re all just telling stories. I think, gender aside, we do bring in a larger female audience because we show what [women are] capable [of]. But, in general, I think we’re at this stage, where, gender be damned, we’re just flowing with our stories and we’re just [WWE] Superstars.”