>>9738287You don't know what an Ace is.
HARASHIMA is starting the wind down but Takeshita never became the Ace. He was starting to get there when he left. Ueno is the new Ace. It should have been Endo, instead of Takeshita, but Takagi fucked it up.
And realistically, Dieno was always the true ace and biggest draw of DDT anyway. The company grew because of him.
>>9738342Yes I know. He has these partner companies. They have popular talent he can build to give his top stars big wins of international top stars, the way Inoki did (based Inoki). So what does he do? He throws them out on lesser shows with no promotion or fanfare or even explanation, Excalibur blurts out "they wrestled in Yokohama business school" and Taz makes fun of him. They lose clean to someone who is established as a jobber and no one benefits. It just costs Tony money, everyone loses heat and means less.