>>9765025I am shitposting only on Channel 4 so there is nowhere to go back to. But let me give you more info:
None of them could compare to top wrestlers in wrasslin's most successful period.
- Kevin Owens is fat, ugly even, and has little charisma. My guess is that fatsos who still watch self insert as him
- Balor is very small, his masked gimmick cannot be threatening or scary for children like say Kane or Boogyman. Decent small guy but feels like a mini Jeff Hardy rip-off
- Neville - great roid body, but really short. Ugly goblin head. Great acrobatics but little else
- Sami - shit body, no charisma, even his music was goofy, incredibly boring
- Asian guy - no idea who he is. I might have already stopped watching wrasslin when he was on any main show (if he was). Also, I am not alone