I finally got around to checking out the roms of svsr 2008 thru 11. I had no idea 2011 introduced that universe mode stuff. very limited and you cant edit shit. kinda of a shit mans universe mode. fun to see how it started tho. 2008 is pretty aight. ive going thru season as flair just working everyones legs over. the lack of gaining experiencxe to powerup my charactor after wins is missed and wish they left it in I want my all 100s flair to smoke everyone with. dumb restrictions started to show themselves in 2008 in regards to a few things like stats but the games were fun.
I still prefer SYM and HCTP over the sdvsr games as those tookk out alot of things I enjoyed and while it put in more mechanics it removbed powerups and I liked getting stronger.
>>9769229GOAT game... ive put more time into that than i'll admit. same with the later editions of the games. I still play 2016