The untanned bitch never drew a dime and might just be the most overrated wrestler of all time. Anyone who attributes WCW and The Crow's success to fucking Sting instead of Hogan is a grade-A retard and not worth taking serious.
In the mainstream, Undertaker IS pro wrestling, and Sting is "that guy who sang Every Breath You Take". Just ask around. For dumb smarks, unless they suffer from severe WWE = LE BAD syndrome, Undertaker has better workrate too. I sincerely doubt most Sting fanboys even watched his matches with Flair, but just in case they did, here's a newsflash: Flair carried the fuck out of those matches, like he had with so many others before him.
To wrap it up, as smark god Meltz put it:
>Nitro's final match saw Flair and Sting, WCW's 2 most enduring stars, doing one last shortened version of the match they have done a million times. And it ended with Sting beating Flair, because even to the bitter end, they never realized that Ric Flair was always the face of WCW, not Sting