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No.9781379 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>gay meme wasted 5 years of life on for free daily is dead in water, overcompensate for wasting my life by
>samefagging manually tracked GET comments about gay fanfiction in falseflag threads few care about for hours on end
>after I spend the rest of my day while awake monitoring /pw/ to keep said falseflag kevin nash threads that few care about from being archived
>then 30 mins after I leave to go sleep my 21 hours of samefagging gets archived bc nobody but me cares to keep these unfunny stale uninteresting threads on the board
>rinse and repeat the next day
>i have been doing this daily for years (not a joke)
>also I wasted my entire wrestlemania sunday (about 24 hours) samefagging and keeping a falseflag nash thread on the board but give up after after wrestlemania ended because board was moving so fast (threads were going from page 1 to 10 in 5 mins) and realized I just wasted my entire weekend like a moron. Because I did basically the same thing on wrestlemania saturday also.

To recap yesterdays events
>R thread posted early morning - got murked and drew little interest
>R thread posted in afternoon - got murked and drew little interest
>tried flooding board with nash threads in evening - all got murked after about hour after dipshit wasted all that time samefagging them
>continued with the spam/flooding even after last mass murk - threads once again all got murked after about 45 mins/hour
>thread he'd wasted 3 days necrobumping that nobody cared about finally got archived around 35 mins after he left despite him bumping obviously in hope it'd still be up when he returned