>grand stand and name a bunch of people
>get dragged into endless litigation with like 30 different people
>lose out on a bunch of time dealing with endless bullshit
>nothing happens because no one is charged and nothing goes to court anyway
>even if it did sexual assault cases are crazy hard to prove and mostly either get settled or thrown out
>you can have literal semen samples and use a rape kit and have eye witnesses and still no charge in some cases
>vast majority of these dudes can only work in shit hole countries or like shindys in front of 14 people
Doing that would actually be extremely fucking retarded, your best bet would be to contact people to offer support emotionally or legally behind the scenes and stay quiet. Yelling at Ospreay because he told someone not to book some slag because his friend didn't like her being on the same show isn't an issue. If Ospreay knew he was a cunt or if she told Ospreay then that's different, but also not what happened so it's a non story gotcha.
There were consequences, basically killed everything that wasn't bought by WWE in the UK wrestling scene. It's comparing apples to cats.