>>9819025There are. The biggest issue with "steroids" (an umbrella term for Performance Enhancement Drugs), is that people will often mis-use them. To effectively and safely use the juice, you need:
>endocrinologist visits before and after a cycle>general physicals before and after the cycles>to taper down doses>researched out ancillaries to take out the estrogen produced when the body has too much free floating testosterone>a safe balanced diet>planned out cyclesBig hearts are a side effect of cheaper and older gear, along with bitch tits and bacne. If you see bitchtits and bacne, 100% the dude took too much and used cheap shit. The tech has advanced to the point that unless you cheap out, you can safely cycle and go a little beyond what's natty. Or just say fuck it all and gas out like Billy Gunn.
You're risking cancer with roiding regardless, but everything in this society risks cancer. Most wreslters on the juice will just perma-cycle, especially if they're on the road. This is dumb as fuck.
If you want to look like Edge mode, he's just on TRT (normal for guys his age btw) and clen to trim. Most likely doing a 5x5 regiment with some isolations. TRT is a bit dangerous for youngins though, as it will cause the body to not naturally produce test.