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PPV draw- the highest form of a draw-- these guys make you pay $50 to see them wrestle without even going to the show
Examples: Austin, Hogan, Rock
Attendance draw- these guys tend to draw more women, kids and families. If Jimmy wants to see you, the entire family is going to come to the show
Example: Cena, Roman
TV ratings draw: these guys make people turn the channel to see them. This happens thanks to lapsed fans (that aren't watching anymore) are interested in them again
Examples: Goldberg, CM Punk, Triple H, Undertaker
Examples: Austin, Hogan, Rock
Attendance draw- these guys tend to draw more women, kids and families. If Jimmy wants to see you, the entire family is going to come to the show
Example: Cena, Roman
TV ratings draw: these guys make people turn the channel to see them. This happens thanks to lapsed fans (that aren't watching anymore) are interested in them again
Examples: Goldberg, CM Punk, Triple H, Undertaker