>>9867048It's fun to watch as a shit show. When I heard 20 minute time limit before the TNT title, I knew were in for aome cringe kino. Kinda like watching Planet 9 or the Room. Like when that mexican jumling bean did like 20 flips holding jay white's hand, and they expected jay to sell it, that was cringe kino. Dynamite is the good kind of terrible. Schizo back to back title shots. Almost zero breaks without picture and picture. You can almost see how good it could be with some general direction and decent booking. Instead we can laught at the Bucks throwing some of the worst working punches in wrestling, and getting paid millions to do so.
Also, the Acclaimed always deliver. No other show gets bleeped out or has Bud tranny jokes. They also don't do weird flippy shit. Daddy Ass and his half gay, half black sons are hands down the best thing in wrestling right now.