[13 / 2 / 13]
>compete in the elimination chamber
>be lactose intolerant
>eat cheese that morning
>get in chamber pod
>door locks shut
>have noxious lactose farts while stumbling uncontrollably into the pod walls
>I begin gagging and throwing up everywhere
>the pod glass is no longer transparent
>it’s my time to enter the match but the door is locked shut
>panicked referees rush to the pod to try opening the door
>"I cant see inside is he ok? Theres mud in there or something... cant get him out."
>meanwhile inside the pos
>air is unbreathable
>struggling to say talk while gagging "I have to.. I have to get... I have to.."
>still releasing toxic farts
>this goes on for a few more minutes
>finally be released from pod prison
>take big breath of air
>its the freshest air ive ever breathed in my entire life
>be lactose intolerant
>eat cheese that morning
>get in chamber pod
>door locks shut
>have noxious lactose farts while stumbling uncontrollably into the pod walls
>I begin gagging and throwing up everywhere
>the pod glass is no longer transparent
>it’s my time to enter the match but the door is locked shut
>panicked referees rush to the pod to try opening the door
>"I cant see inside is he ok? Theres mud in there or something... cant get him out."
>meanwhile inside the pos
>air is unbreathable
>struggling to say talk while gagging "I have to.. I have to get... I have to.."
>still releasing toxic farts
>this goes on for a few more minutes
>finally be released from pod prison
>take big breath of air
>its the freshest air ive ever breathed in my entire life