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Silver Knight Quest #2

!!4bilGfTvdvv ID:X4aOkU+d No.6049645 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to help your family, show your valour… and make your first friends.

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Welcome to the second thread of the thrilling adventures of our beloved silver-haired doofus, Argia Candente! Last thread has seen your retarded QM finally learning how to roll dice, and has left us facing the confrontation with the cult of the Seven Sisters…


>Voting Link:

(for those not familiar with suptg— thanks to everyone for voting!)

<span class="mu-s">Update schedule: usually one update per day. May be multiple posts, depending on narrative pace and player interaction.</span> I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

<span class="mu-s">As for what happened last time on Silver Knight Quest…</span>

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You are <span class="mu-s">Argia Candente</span>, an aspirant <span class="mu-s">Knight of Ansàrra</span>, And everyone considers you cursed because of your silver hair.

When your family lost everything, years ago, you were pushed to try and find a new life in the Holy Land of Madua, but you were not granted access. Not unless you complete your tuition and pass the Trial of Fire as its coronation. After three years being the disciple of renown <span class="mu-s">Master Ibardo Delebasse</span>, you were then forced to start a year of training in the outback of Madua, together with three other trainees who you tried to bond with… and failed.

But bad as all that could be, things are even worse now: your current mission was supposed to be <span class="mu-s">investigating a sacrificial cult</span>, and you already had to leave two members of your quartet behind.

You also fought against a malignant tree that folded space and sucked blood out of living creatures, but you got <span class="mu-s">a neat sword out of it</span>. You also saved your first tentative friend from burning herself up into holy frenzy.

At least, it seems that your fellow apprentices are seeing past your cursed hair right now. Now that you and your companion <span class="mu-s">Salicera</span> (who keeps saying the weirdest things about talking mirrors and is mysteriously skilled for someone her age), have entered the nethermost hall and stepped into the cultists’ sanctum, it’s time to let your blades sing…

… but you don’t really mind it. You have always been better with swords than with words.
