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Randomized Civ Quest with Mice

!!FvfuWDhqRJm ID:VuzsFlqn No.6054930 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are a group of 400 giant mice that have been cast out of your small kingdom. Long have you travelled the world in search of a place to settle, yet found little land not taken. At last, tired of running, you settled upon a foreign and mysterious land, perhaps not really suitable for your kind, but one you will claim for yourself.

You find yourselves in...
>-1 A jungle of dizzying heat, strangling anacondas and fertile land.
>-2 A desert oasis of enigmatic sphinxes, vast dunes and valuable trade routes.
>-3 A cavern system of dim light, valuable minerals and dark creatures.
>-4 The mana wastes of cruel witchwinds, wondrous ruins and strange beasts.
>-5 A large island off the mainland coast which was fertilized long ago by a sleeping volcano not!Sicily
>NO write-ins for this one

Pick a "curse":
>-1 Your group has few skilled healers, meaning field medicine and prevention of illness will be hard.
>-2 Your group has few skilled craftsmen, meaning mass manufacturing of goods will be difficult.
>-3 Your group has few soldiers, meaning you will have to rely upon diplomacy to protect yourselves initially.
>-4 Your group has few skilled farmers, meaning a larger portion of your population will be occupied in agriculture.
>-5 Your group has no mages at all, meaning creation of powerful artifacts and casting of spells is unavailable to you until you obtain a means of education in the arcane arts.

Pick a boon:
>-1 Be it through merchant past, industrial spirit or other, unsavoury means, your group has acquired for itself a large amount of wealth that you are yet to spend in full.
>-2 Either when you left or in the course of your journeys, you have obtained a small collection of powerful artifacts that make your soldiers truly fearsome even when few in numbers.
>-3 Your group has had to negotiate its way out of many troubles, and as such possesses an understanding of the customs of various lands and the tricks necessary to succeed in diplomacy.
>-4 Your group has some master builders, capable of constructing impressive structures. This will also aid in fortification.
>-5 Your group has tamed giant cats. These can be used as war beasts or for riding. Other applications may be found.

If you're not sure what to pick or just want to introduce chaos I have helpfully provided numbers with which you may roll for your choices.