[966 / 302 / ?]
Quoted By:
>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi
>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here
>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:
Peppa: https://pastebin.com/zKv0PE9j
Gohan: https://pastebin.com/BgLug38n
Izumi: https://pastebin.com/wiKgqAi5
>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?
Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Peppa finished up her Spirit Control training with Pybara and went to a Winter formal with Cocoa, while Izzy managed to finish the spell prep to rescue one of the displaced heroes! With the Time Patrol’s assistance, three teams were set up to rescue Chiaotzu, Shin, and Tien, with Izzy, Gohan, and Peppa joining the respective teams for each. Izzy, 19, 16, Chuu Lee, Raditz, Sala, and Hado all join up to rescue Chiaotzu, finding him him displaced all the way to a universe ruled and managed by powerful planetary Kami in elevated positions calling themselves “Archons” and opposed by the powerful warrior Hearts, who had been training Chiaotzu since finding him!
Teaming up with Hearts and defeating one of them while subduing and even convincing another, Zelos, to ease from his tyrannical path and join the fight against the others. Finally, in planning a move against the leader of the Archons, Yalbadoth, the group recruits the deceased son of the man, Ryuuno, in an effort to bolster their forces against him! However, Izzy caught on to something not being right with Hado, finding a being called the Promethean Chronicler taking up residence in his mind… and ready to offer him a deal. Will Izzy and co. manage to defeat Yalbadoth and bring Chiaotzu back home? What of Gohan and Peppa’s teams? Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa!
>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi
>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here
>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:
Peppa: https://pastebin.com/zKv0PE9j
Gohan: https://pastebin.com/BgLug38n
Izumi: https://pastebin.com/wiKgqAi5
>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?
Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Peppa finished up her Spirit Control training with Pybara and went to a Winter formal with Cocoa, while Izzy managed to finish the spell prep to rescue one of the displaced heroes! With the Time Patrol’s assistance, three teams were set up to rescue Chiaotzu, Shin, and Tien, with Izzy, Gohan, and Peppa joining the respective teams for each. Izzy, 19, 16, Chuu Lee, Raditz, Sala, and Hado all join up to rescue Chiaotzu, finding him him displaced all the way to a universe ruled and managed by powerful planetary Kami in elevated positions calling themselves “Archons” and opposed by the powerful warrior Hearts, who had been training Chiaotzu since finding him!
Teaming up with Hearts and defeating one of them while subduing and even convincing another, Zelos, to ease from his tyrannical path and join the fight against the others. Finally, in planning a move against the leader of the Archons, Yalbadoth, the group recruits the deceased son of the man, Ryuuno, in an effort to bolster their forces against him! However, Izzy caught on to something not being right with Hado, finding a being called the Promethean Chronicler taking up residence in his mind… and ready to offer him a deal. Will Izzy and co. manage to defeat Yalbadoth and bring Chiaotzu back home? What of Gohan and Peppa’s teams? Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa!