>>6007550>>6007554>>6007555>>6007559>>6007564>>6007573>>6007574>>6007575>>6007640You decide to just talk for a bit.
You talk about what just happened.
"We should... definitely do this again..." she says, "I think that'd be a good idea..."
You ask her why she's so unbothered by the end of the world.
"We're all gonna die anyway... What does it matter if it's gonna happen in a few days? I'm just... glad I got to do this before that though. I've never, like, done this before."
She's never done this before? You ask her what she means.
"I mean... I've had boyfriends and stuff. I was actually kind of popular in high school. But whenever they would try I'd just... say no. I didn't feel like I was supposed to share that kind of thing with them... with anyone that wasn't like me. And trust me, they were NOTHING like you... Physically, personality-wise, nothing... I guess I've just kinda been waiting for someone like you."
You ask her if she wants to practice.
She looks to the door, an uncomfortable expression spreading across her face before she tries to smile again.
"N-No... let's just stay here..."
DAY TIMER: 19:55:00
>More pillow talk>Get out of bed>Insist on practicing>Sleep>Regret>Do something else (Time Depends)