▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">Angel, I-</span>
This one comes with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REP6cOsjsJgWhen she turns to face her lost twin, what is facing her instead is a tower of burgers and the bottom half of her sister. Slowly and carefully, the tray, with surgeon-like precision, is placed on the table at the end of the row. One of the burgers falls and breaks against the super clean carpet floor, and only then does Emma hear the quiet music. Angel clears the sweat from her forehead with the back of a sleeve.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">You spaced out.</span>
Where is the music coming from? Emma doesn’t know. Afraid of it being a creation of her mind, she decides to set her fears aside for once, for Angel.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">Eh– Um, sorry.</span>
Angel and Emma sit by the same table, only the tower of burgers standing between them. Once it becomes apparent that they /cannot/ see each other’s faces, Angel slides her butt across the sofa and Emma sits in the next chair. Then both laugh.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">We finally got some time alone. All it took was the apocalypse.</span>
Emma giggles, genuinely happy despite the apocalypse.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">This feels kind of like a date, doesn't it?</span>
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Ifh youh sayh soh?</span>
Angel’s mouth is already a battlefield for hamburgers. The sound of her swallowing all of those burgers at once is loud and worrying.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Thank you, rich people.</span>
Emma giggles silently this time. It’s not the beach, but…
Then she notices Angel eating a burger with a tiny fork and a tiny knife, on a tiny plate, and explodes laughing.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">HAHAHAH come on!</span>
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Shh. We are in a classy environment. Can’t you hear the music?</span>
She then pulls down a thick, green bottle from under the table.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Champagne, my lady?</span>
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">Oh, no, that’s going to knock me down.</span>
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">It will if you don’t eat anything.</span>
Emma looks away. She certainly doesn’t have a good track record with alcohol in general.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">Fine, but just a touch.</span>
Angel proceeds to fill her glass, then shrugs at Emma's stare.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Just drink as much as you want.</span>
‘The problem is that I may want more’, Emma thinks, but she does take a sip, and it’s a fair sip.