>>5424564>>5424571>>5424591>>5424726>>5424947Well said my lords you are wise men knowlegeable in the arts of courtly love as I see.
>>5424956Do not worry good sir, tavern wenches and peasant girls exist to be, as you say, shagged, noble born ladies exist to be praised and loved. We can always court the ladies and relieve our physical needs (before marriage) on a common born woman, or even on several, after all as Molière would say in 4 centuries "all the pleasure of love is in change".
You were in a good mood and you proposed quickly.
-Let us ride together as promised Rose, I promised you to do so and my first thoughts are always with you.
She blushed adorably and told you.
-Ooooh, Charles, you are so kind, let me dress accordingly and we will go. Thank you my lord.
-My lady, I am but your humble knight servant, and you were so kind to me to help me recover. I am sure that your sweet care had helped my recovery.
She smiled and blushed then excused herself, she had to be adorned in a dress suited for riding. Of course you had to wait an hour... Women... It is fortunate that they do not go to war, they can never be there on time. Well, at least you had time to change to your riding clothes.
Fortunately it was still the morning when one of your servants told you that she was ready. She had came here on a cart and you wondered if she rode astride like always or if she was fashionable enough to use one of the new side saddles with a sambue. You knew that those saddles permitted women to seat on only one side of their horse and to not crease their dress but riding more quickly than walk was dangerous. After all Isabelle of Aragon, wife of your previous king, Philippe III the bold, and mother of king Philippe IV died after a fall from her sambue when going back from the crusades where she accompanied her husband and stepfather. Of course she was pregnant at the time so particularly delicate, but you didn't wanted your lady to die from the same reason. You quickly came to the courtyard, hoping to see Lady Takable mount. Maybe you could take a short glimpse at her ankles, or even help her and... You casted aside such lustful thoughts. But even, seeing the breasts, or their upper part, was easy when they wore some kind of dresses, but her legs... They remained mysterious and always hidden under long dresses, inviting you to open them and see what was between them. It was thinking about this that you saw her. Lady Takable was stunning, her blonde hair floating around her and decorated with a copper coronet while she wore a red dress that seemed specially done to ride astride and that was cut to put her hips, her chest and her thin waist in valour. You could see that her legs were in a kind of pants and long buckskin boots made for riding, by sainte Marie Madeleine it was beautiful. She wore a golden medallion around her neck. Some men were bringing When she came you pushed aside the servants who wanted to help her and told.