>>5522754 >>5522826 >>5522842 >>5523252 >>5523601 >>5523859<span class="mu-i">No need to be too hasty. A year with him beforehand should be long enough. The current observation is productive. In the meantime, perhaps he can learn a trade.</span>
「A trade?」 Takigi ponders. 「Normally apprenticeships would start in a couple years, but it's not the worst of ideas given that his training will probably take up time. I'll think about it. Now...」 Takigi turns his attention to the manual and gingerly turns each page once again. Complex illustrations cover each page, as well as large sets of accompanying text. Neither you nor Takigi can read the whole thing as of present, unfortunately - it will take some time to get through. What can be felt are small flows of qi that explain some of the drawings, sealed within the manual through some unknown method. Intriguing.
The next day, work continues as usual. Takigi walks though the village square, towards a client. A couple odd gazes follow him. <span class="mu-i">It seems that you're not popular.</span> Takigi shrugs. 「Can't be helped」 After some time the two of you leave the more crowded center of the village and reach another outskirt. A home rather reminiscent of Takigi's appears through the trees - your destination.
<span class="mu-s">KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK</span>. 「It's Takigi. I'm here for your payment.」 A short man with tanned skin opens the door. "So it's Mr. Takigi. Come in, come in!" He waves Takigi into his home. A small woodworking area is set up on one side of the room, where a teenager works, while the other half of the room is a living space. The two sit down on a makeshift bench.
「Good afternoon Mr. Wang. I hope everything is going well.」 "Ah, well... ok I guess." 「Good to hear. Can I have the payment? Then I'll get out of your hair and we can both go on with our day.」"Uh, you see, about that... actually, I lied. Things aren't really going too well." Takigi stares at the man, who is scratching his head. 「...are you saying you don't have the payment?」 "That... I... most of it. I have most of it. 13 silver."
Takigi continues staring. 「As per the terms of your contract, the monthly payment is 2 gold. 20 silver.」 "Well, yes, it is. But this month has been a bit slow, and I had to replace one of my tools. Maybe I can get back to you next week?" You sense annoyance from Takigi. Both at Wang, and at himself. After some hesitation, he places a hand on Wang's shoulder. He presses down. Not enough to cause any actual injury, but enough to be uncomfortable.
「It's in both of our best interests that you pay the full amount today. I have no control over what you already signed, and even if I did let you pay later, then you'd just build up more interest. The same as taking out another loan. I'm helping you here.」 Wang stays silent. 「...If you really don't have the money then we could always sell some of this lumber. You have quite a bit. Or if that won't work, then maybe we can ask some of my partners for ideas. I'm sure they have work.」