>>5362505>>5362463>>5362432>>5362382The majority seems to be, to try and start afflicting humans then and see what you can manage to accomplish. Whether to bind accursed humans to you, or to create your own new race out of them entirely. A human more in tune with the sea, or at least your goddess (or even just yourself?), something like that?
Though it's no certain science, you know the affect you can have on humans but it's always been a passive affect for you. To try and bring method to the madness will surely take some creativity and cleverness.
So considering that, what might you have in mind? It's up to you to come up with a way to accomplish this dark and fiendish goal of yours! Whatever you may think of or can creatively devise. And of course it doesn't have to be perfect, you can keep trying until you get it right. To find perfection through trial and error, and creativity!
And if you wanted to know anything relevant or need anything answered, feel free to ask if it will help.
>What do you do?