>>5672548Ich sehe, ich sehe. Ze fear of inadequacy, ja? Ze feeling of never being able to live up to ze standard you set for yourself, which in turn feeds ze negative reinforcement spiral zhat drives joo avay from your own kreation, makes it feel as if joo are not worzhy of ze attention. 'How kould zhese anons zhink my writing is good, when es ist schiesse?'.
Many a man has fallen to zhe belief zhat zhey will never rival ze old masters. Vee are our own würst kritics, ja. So it is, so it is.
Zhe Engram Knight, es ist one of yours, yes? Terrible shame zhat you no longer konsider it würth your time, or ze anons.
Es ist important to remember: Before joo kan run, joo must learn to walk. Zhis applies to all hobbies und professions. Joo are not born a master, joo become one zhrough practice and patience.
Maybe in zhe future joo should konsider running zomething to ze end, even vhen it starts to loose it's appeal to joo. A one-shot would do, zomething zhat you kould reasonably finish wizhin ze span of one or two treads. A simple story, with minimal complexity. Somezhing zhat would leeve you with just zhe little pride und confidence in yourself zhat you could begin to realize zhose grand plans of yours. At ze very least, zhat little accomplishment could brighten your day, und the days of ze fellow anons who played your quest.