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You are not going to take any more detours that you absolutely don't have to. You get up against the wall, and edge your way over towards the corridor the light is coming down. The light flicks on and off again two times before you are in position. Carefully, not knowing what to expect, you ready your torch with one hand, and with another, you let the line out for one of your wisps. It floats out past the corner - and nothing happens. The light blinks back on, washing out what little the wisp puts out - and still, nothing happens.
Feeling marginally more confident, you make your way up to the edge, then you poke your head around once the light blinks off again. With your suit lights useless pressed up against the wall, all you have to see is the light from the one solitary wisp that you have let out. In the gloom of nearly inscrutable hallway, you can make out two things. First, this hallway is substantially wider than the others you have been through. Second, there seems to be ... something floating in the middle of it. Roughly spherical in size, but very irregular. Metallic, judging by the glinting.
Suddenly the light - searing bright now that you are directly looking at it - snaps back on, and without thinking, you pull your head back as quickly as you can. It is only once you are behind the corner again that it occurs to you that if this is some sort of security system it could be motion sensitive. For all you know, you might have just activated it. Alarmed, you switch your radio back on, on the off chance that ... whatever this thing is could be trying to hail you over an open channel. But when you get the line open, there is nothing but static on the other end. You try other channels at random, hoping that you might catch something, like a radioed report. You don't get anything but static on these bands either. If there was a squawk, then it looks like you missed it. At the very least, the way the object is free standing - or rather, free floating - makes you think that this is some sort of drone or worm lure, as opposed to equipment.
> Please choose ONE of the following
> Get far enough out around the corner to get your suit lights on it, Hopefully, if it is a security system, it does not perceive that as a transgressive act.
> Find something to throw, and lob it NEAR the thing. Hopefully, if it is a security system, it does not perceive that as a trangressive act.
> Find something to throw and lob it AT the thing. Hopefully, this is not a security system.
> Don't do anything at the moment.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> If this is some sort of drone, then it might be possible for you to hail it. Try speaking on an open channel.
> Best not draw any more attention to yourself than you absolutely have to.
> Please choose ONE of the following.
> You are going to need some answers here .Continue to investigate this object.
> For all you know, it could be moving towards you right now. Beat a retreat quickly!