>>6009683You decide to (after embarrassingly having to put your fingers into an L shape to figure out your right from your left) head in the right direction. The light from your room slowly disappears as you crawl further and further down the ventilation shaft. You <span class="mu-i">really</span> hope there's no one behind you; this patient gown is breezy.
This sucks. You're starting to regret climbing in here; the vent is dusty and humid, and it doesn't exactly have a pleasant odor. After around a minute of wriggling inside the rather constrained space, you finally see some light ahead. You peek through the slits of the vent cover, only to see a group of REBEL SOLDIERS get shot to death by a pair of DAIRYBOTS. Your face impossibly whitens more than it already is (color palette aside), and for the first time, you're grateful for the vent shielding you from anyone's view. You crawl some more to escape this gruesome sight.
Damn, it's real dark in here. You almost believe this vent could go on forev— ack! You hit your head on the vent wall. Uh oh, have you reached a dead end? You feel around, and it seems as if the vent actually splits into a few directions here, your left, your right, and your... above... above you. There's no signage to tell you exactly what leads where, so you try to use your senses as clues. To your left, you can smell... something EARTHY. You can't hear anything. To your right... something BURNING. You hear nothing there, either. Above you, you can't smell anything, but you hear BUZZING. Alternatively, you also can hear footsteps below you. Seems like there's someone or something around.
What's the move?
>Towards the EARTHY smell. (leave the VENT)>Towards the BURNING smell. (leave the VENT)>Towards the BUZZING sound. (leave the VENT)>Actually, let's go back to our room. (leave the VENT)>Bump around and make a shit ton of noise. (alert to your PRESENCE)>Or maybe... (Write-In!)