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<span class="mu-s">Collision!!!</span>
Tunneflies smear across the wooden windshields, the Woodsie Wardens shaping the wood to keep outsiders at bay, windows slamming and battens hatten. Hattens batched? Train terms! TRAIN TERMS.
NeoGenesis and Gallium compile a software package to share temporarily useful information. Did you know that most Augmentics are wirelessly enabled like this, to allow them to download up to do date operational manuals? It's meant to allow them to function fluidly in confusing environments.
>+1 CP, Library Access Discovered
Though such tools and downloaded software packages take time to compile and need constant updating. And sometimes, if you rely on artificial insight, you miss out on what is right in front of your eyes. Or optical sensors, as the case may be.
>Temporary Thought skills are just like normal skills - except that they fade away eventually *and* sometimes don't cover every instance of things you might want them to do.
RESPONSE TEAM UDUG has a bad time on the rails.
Amelius invokes the dread name of distant gods, as people pile on to hold down the convulsing, shaking, sweating Eaters - desperation accrues as doctors insight fails to stymie the cataclysmic eruption of new disease. A woodsie nearby chants a soft prayer.
It doesn't work.
Their god is busy dying.