Generic Shonen Anime Builder - The Beta
Shonen Builder Anon ID:ZNAjDdNp No.5725007 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Battle Stats - This is a combination of specific character attributes used to measure how well they perform while taking certain actions. You must roll higher than your oppoent in order to count that as a success.
Offense - Strength x ( Endurance + Stamina)
Defense - Speed x ( Endurance + Will power)
Special - Ki x ( Will Power + Stamina)
Attributes - This is how well your character performs in individual areas. These attributes not only affect your overall Battle Stats, but also how skilled your character is in certain areas. If any attribute reaches 0 you are unable to continue fighting.
Strength - How much damage your physical attacks do
Ki - How powerful your special techniques are.
Speed - How fast your character can move and react.
Will Power - Resistance to effects
Endurance - Resistance to damage
Stamina - How long your character can fight.
Techniques/Abilities/Perks - This is a list of the techniques your character can perform while in combat as well as any special abilities, passives, perks or items your character has.
Basic Attack - Make an offense roll, if you succeed do damage equal to your strength.
Basic Defend - Make a defense roll, if you succeed subtract damage equal to your speed.
Special Ability - Make a special roll, the power of your special technique is equal to your Ki plus one other attribute. However, each special ability costs 1 stamina or will power. Each special ability may have 1 effect.
>Travel - Move from one region to another, you travel a distance equal to your speed.
>Train - You may learn a technique or ability or level up an attribute. In order to level up an attribute you must train an number of times equal to that attribute current value.
>Investigate - You may explore an area to gain important insight into what is going on there. Gives you a chance to discover missions or treasure that you character can attempt to unlock.
>Battle - Start a fight against a specific target.