Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +1947 Population.
>The civilisation gets -0.04 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +10 Prosperity and Productivity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Security.
>The civilisation gets -10 Cohesion and Happiness.
Broken morale isn't so easily mended. For a few hours, bolstered by the auxiliaries, the Sharovic and the Vuvovic wage war on the colonies that they come across but it just isn't any use. They're not confident enough to approach the blackwoods and they flinch away whenever one of their comrades is struck by a primitive projectile launched from above. They no longer believe in their own strength. Before too long, their spirits break and they flee once more. This time, no amount of talk will convince them to continue the fight.
When they return to the Croglatol, both the blood-drinkers and the mountain men bitterly blame each other for the failure of the offensive, pointing out their cowardice while denying their own. The conquest wasn't entirely unsuccessful – the warriors brought back almost two thousand savages to serve as thralls or to be educated in the ways of the Croglatovic. However, the chiefdom as a whole is deeply unhappy with this unsatisfactory performance. History has repeated itself and once more, they have been bested by a lesser people. This deeply offends the sense of superiority that they have inherited from their Protavic and Rodac ancestors.
At least the diminished military population combined with the larger slave population makes life easier for the masses, who find themselves with more luxuries and time to spend on things other than keeping the soldiery armed and fed. However, both of these factors also contribute to a slight increase in disorder, as slave revolts grow more frequent and the Vuvovic find themselves with less warriors to combat these unruly thralls with.
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Ending a Special Situation: The Scagravic Scouring.</span></span>
Twenty-five years pass.
More and more of these errant denominations embrace the identity of the Croglatovic people. Before long, this demographic becomes the majority, a proud medley of the Sitrunic and the Anamilivic and the Crodrocravic. The Goriwik also embrace the Croglatovic way of life, in such numbers that there are none left who consider themselves painted men. The tradition of body-painting has been abandoned, along with their ancestor worship. Their hatred of the written word has also vanished and Toproslan is now commonly read and written across the territory that once belonged to this lost tribe.
>The civilisation gets -0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education, Cohesion and Happiness.
However, the primary issue remains the chiefdom's military. For over two decades, ever since their failure to conquer the tree-dwellers, the Sharovic and Vuvovic have been at each other's throats and using any excuse to taunt, denigrate and even attack each other.