>>6102745You attempt to do everything and so you do nothing.
Downtime actions are not "turn" or "time" lmited, but neither are they excuses to be everywhere and do everything.
The fire continues - you make no firefoam
The oxygen grows in shorter supply - you make no ventilation
The train winds down slow - you make no engine
(And could not make one either way; you appear to be a biomechanical surgeon and a nanite processor, not a trained mechanical engineer. Electronic dual use combi hydrogel engines are remakarkably complicated things, as is anything with enough output to move a carriage this big. You might build something that could, in time, barely and briefly. That would be hours from now, long past when everyone here is dead.)
And you reject no hopelessness - but that's quite alright, Subject.
It'll come in sneaking in like an old friend. Frantic disorganized Do Everything Be Everywhere is just the last frantic gasping groans of a dying mind struggling to accept the inevitable conclusion.