>>5817986Chaya listens to the elder, sitting down on the floor beside him as she starts talking. Once again, about Raditz and how he'd left her. The elder nods along, asking questions you'd not thought about and keeps her talking. She quickly lets down her guard, the elder getting a few details out of her you'd not considered asking about. Like how she'd done it, using her telepathy in combination with her Sith powers to remotely possess the woman.
“Hrmm, an interesting idea.” Bane's specter says, appearing beside you as he strokes his chin. “To think that by using your telepathy, it could make Mind Crushing someone viable without direct eye contact....”
“And why didn't you tell me that before?” you ask the spirit, telepathically and not aloud.
“I didn't know it could work.” he replies simply, turning to you. “I've never done such a thing, nor did I possess telepathy in my lifetime to even attempt such a subversive tactic. “Despite her.... Emotional instability, Chaya is quite adept with the Dark Side. However, more importantly, I think you should know why her 'soul' is so twisted at the moment.”
“And why's that?” you ask, this time aloud to the specter. Meloka glances your way, then turns back, focused on Chaya and Elder Pybara talking about her walking in on Raditz and discovering she was now single.
“Using mind tricks, especially the Mind Crush, can cause certain....Backlash, if done improperly.” the phantom tells you, floating over behind Chaya and putting his hands on either side of her head to demonstrate, but instead of touching her grabs the hem of his cloak, hefting it for you to see. “To twist someone's mind is surprisingly similar to twisting fabric. However, to twist someone else, you yourself must twist as well.”
Then in a wringing motion his hands go in separate directions, then his arms as well as he crosses them.
“The more you twist someone else, the more twisted you yourself become.” he continues, dropping the cloak and then putting his hands out in the same position, on either side of her head and does the same motion. “For your daughter to twist someone else's mind, her own would have to twist as well. Not to mention any... Additional strain, from doing so telepathically. If that was her first use of this power, it could have caused some level of psychic backlash, leading to this... Episode.”
But now that you have this particular bit of information, now what?
>Ask Chaya if that was the first time she'd done that to someone, or if she's been using that technique on others>Telepathically tell Elder Pybara what Bane told you, see if that information can help him help her at all>Thank Elder Pybara, tell them both if either need anything to not hesitate before leaving with Meloka back to New Salda. You can't help Chaya, but hopefully he can>Other(write in)