>>5135175As the last 4% of the Riot Police Handset battery dies, it taunts you with this message:
Those special guards accompanying Paribus get to have all the fun! How come they are being issued with all the latest weaponry, and not the less-than-lethal grenade launchers? Their commander carries this peculiar low bore-axis pistol, it seems to have all these slanted vents on the side, and the non-reciprocating barrel is upside down beneath the slide... And some of the Paribus Operators had this strange rifle or cannon... maybe it was not even a rifle at all... the handle of it is mounted to the right hand side for some reason, the handle is completely offset and unaligned to the axis of the gunbarrel. Surely that cannot be a real-life weapon? And they are issuing them with special ammunition, not this less lethal anti-riot tear gas grenade stuff we have. The latest Axiom Galdra equipment with names like Autonomous Integrated Submunitions AUT-ISM and also something about S-Eradication External Targeting High Explosive rounds, or S-E(ETHE) grenades. I tried to ask them what the S stands for, but they would not tell me!