>>5957386>>5957391>desperate hunt for old wh40k John Blanche (?) ELUSIVE SPIKE BRA WOMAN...?I spent ages trying to find it apologies for the horrible low resolution pixellated quality but I still have not had great success maybe I imagined it argh, anyway, here is just some cool art from I think the 2nd Inquisitor (54mm skirmish) codex, I wish wh40k art style was still like this instead of the colourful mobile game fortnite style now lol. I am a huge fan of all of Dan Abnett 40k stuff like Eisenhorn Ravenor Bequin and Gaunt's Ghosts etc. I think the Inquisitor game rulebooks had some of the best art and lore, all the discussions of the rival factions Amalathian Xanthite Monodominant Recongregationist etc was really fascinating to me, the original Eisenhorn trilogy had the best exploration of this and the factional infighting but it unfortunately seemed to have gotten sidelined during the Ravenor and Bequin books etc