Quoted By:
>Alas, poor Yorick. The whip worked, keep at it.
People fear being bad, even those (and especially those) who pride themselves on their evil. Even if it’s dumb as fuck, some people do care about these stones- and Jimena won’t be the wrecking that wrecks them.
When the second Knight drags in Jimena as if saying ‘Get over here!’, a big helping hand latches onto it- and helps it get the Magical Girl closer, who goes through its body like a missile.
>>ᕙ (M2 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 59 = Success)<< (Hit the first Black Knight.)
>>ᕙ (M3 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 70 = Success)<< (Destroy the first Black Knight.)
Gliding through the air in slow motion, surrounded by small black planks moving away from her, Jimena spies the Priestess and the Cricket hiding behind a tombstone each. Swiftly, she wonders what would happen if they took her.
Crudely landing on the ground, tumbling all over, Jimena is bounced back by the final Black knight’s chain, wondering when this shit will end, then answering that very question herself by balling up the fist at the end of her whip and swinging it like a lasso.
>>ᕙ (M2 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 81 = Success)<< (Hit the first Black Knight.)
>>ᕙ (M3 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 35 = Success)<< (Destroy the second Black Knight.)
Splinters rains for a few seconds. These fucks are endless, annoying, and too fast for her fat ass. Jimena gifts the blue and white Toys her earnest death stare, sending both blitzing away as if they met a grizzly bear while riding a bike.
Surrounded by debris, Jimena falls flat on her butt.
ᕙ Jimena: The fuck are you doing, Jimmy? The fuck can you do?
It’s not an easy question. Grief Seeds and Witches had been scarce for a while, the whole of Buenos Aires is swarming with these little shits, and heading for the Violet Tower is as dangerous as it is hard- and she’d be betraying Salome. Stuck amidst this fuckfest, still incapable of using her magic (which should be the saving grace of being a Magical Girl), Jimena gauges her options.
There aren’t that many.