Quoted By:
At present, you possess both Greifs and Reichsthalers. As well as two letters of credit your father gave you to pay for passage to Mithra via the sea
Your present possessions of note are:
-Siblerkralle, mithril sword +15DC (equipped)
-Niveiwood lance Doubles Damage on the Charge (only breakable with a double or crit fail) -20AV to enemies (only on horseback)
-Chainmail shirt and Coif +10AV (equipped)
-Great helm +5AV (equipped)
-coat of plates +10AV (equipped)
-heater shield +20AV (equipped)
-Destrier Warhorse 'Wittekind' +10DC(Mounted), +15DC(Charge)
<span class="mu-s">Marktplatz, Sternheim</span>
<span class="mu-s">Stables, farrier, and Saddlers</span>, only accept payment in Reichsthalers.
Palfrey, 280 Reichsthalers
>+15 DC (Mounted)
Courser, 290 Reichsthalers
>+10 DC (Mounted)
destrier, 315 Reichsthalers
>+10 DC (Mounted)
Reshoe Wittekind, 60 Reichsthalers
>+1DC for Wittekind
<span class="mu-s">The bookshops</span> will accept payment in both Reichsthaler or Greifs, (Silver coins are still silver)
Isidorian for laypersons. 24 Reichsthalers or 34 Greifs
>Allows you to learn Isidorian
Lamentations and musings for the empire of yore. 11 Reichsthalers or 15 Greifs
>Poetry bundle about the Isidorian empire
The Chronicle of Tautenland. 33 Reichsthalers or 46 Greifs
>A history compendium about all the Tauten emperors
The pale war. 27 Reichsthalers or 39 Greifs
>The history of a conflict in Venautra about 212 years ago.
The battle of battles, or how the great war between good and evil ended. 29 Reichsthalers or 40 Greifs
>An account of the legendary showdown between schwarzherr and the emperor
The Mithradian alphabet and language are explained. 34 Reichsthalers or 48 Greifs
>Allows you to learn Mithradian
The speartip in the sea. 19 Reichsthalers or 27 Greifs
>A legend about seeing the legendary rooftop of the tower of the Isidorian emperors stick out of the sea.
<span class="mu-s">Blacksmith and Armoury</span> Will only take Reichsthalers.
Masterwork Chainmail shirt and coif, 280 Reichsthalers
>+5DC, +10AV
Dwarven-made hauberk, 278 Reichsthalers.
>+3DC +12AV
Round shield, 190 Reichsthalers.
Kite Shield, 210 Reichsthalers.
>+15AV, +5DC when Mounted
Journeyman-Forged Mace, 220 Reichsthalers.
>+1 Damage if 3 Success
Journeyman-Forged battle-axe, 215 Reichsthalers.
>-10AV to Foe
<span class="mu-s">The church of our revered providence</span>
The church accepts payment or ''donations'' as they insist on calling it, in all forms
Blessed amulet 98 Reichsthalers or 137 Greifs
>+1 Combat Re-roll
Sanctified Rosary 65 Reichsthalers or 91 Greifs
>+ 5DC against the undead
Blessing of the war banner 230 Reichsthalers or 322 Greifs
>+10 moral in battle against any infidel.