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“Get down to the basement, smash that dungeon and get that family out of there.”
Muffin grins savagely. “Got it.”
“Mel, take it away.”
You are Mel’Arco, spider queen of the mountains, and it is good to feel the air on your skin, even if you can feel your host watching your every move, even your every thought. Not that she has anything to worry about, the balance of power in your relationship is quite clear, sadly. You look down at the peasant’s clothes you’re wearing with a frown, this won’t do. You permit yourself a quick twirl and deposit your current clothing into storage, much to the sudden shock of your host, then just as quickly pull the much finer dress out of storage onto your body. Better! You spare a glance at the dungeon killer and see his blush, excellent. A little brush of temptation can go so far.
<span class="mu-b">You’ll need to teach me that one.</span> You frown at the thought intrusion then sigh. You probably should make sure she has as many advantages as she can get, mother knows she’s not too bright. The mental equivalent of a swift flick to the nose shoots through your mind, which you promptly ignore.
“Looking good boss.”
You grin, teeth bared, then snap your fingers. “Form up, and make him fear for his life properly! And let’s have some <span class="mu-i">fun</span>.” You spin, dress twirling and march on the door of these miserable excuses for dungeon cultists. Rich idiots hiding in a city, pretending they’re worthy servants? Hah! You turn your domain on the door and the lock undoes itself at your command, then you promptly hurl it open and sweep inside.
“Ho! You can’t just-urk!” A young man in a black mask (do they know how stupid they look?) tries to step in your path. Your hand snaps out like a snake, jaws closing onto his neck and you simply lift him up. Oh this is delightful! Pity this body was nearing the limits of what it could handle. The young man flails and chokes under your grinning gaze as you turn, take two steps and slam him against the wall.
You rifle through your host’s memories for a moment for names. “Muffin, darling, if I wanted to, is there anything I couldn’t do?”
Muffin practically purrs her response. “Oh, I don’t think so ma’am. Want me to gut him for you?”
What a delight! If you ever get proper control you’ll need to keep this one! You sigh internally at the disapproval of your host and turn back toward the young upstart who had the misfortune of guarding the entryway, by himself no less! “Well young man? Do you think you’re worthy of being my next meal? Or can you serve some other way?” You stare, tapping your foot as he flails, feet striking the wall in a panic.
“Ma’am, I don’t think he can breathe.”
You drop him to the floor and throw up your hands. “I always forget how fragile you people are!”
“Sorry ma’am, comes with the flesh and blood.”