Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d10)
>>5722677Sweet judge, high initiative plz
>TurnRolls: spotting, init
Ability: Invoke Divination on Damaged
>Fire: Drop Smoke and evade arthropod attack>Move: Move SW, Move W, Move SW to tile S42---
Elation. Hearing the crinkle and seeing cracks spread across these abominations instantly swept up the previously malding Recon Officer into the throes of satisfaction. Until of course...
"...that did shit all! They're still alive!" Panic bloomed into an all too familiar tempest of negative waves.
The monsters in the mist turned slowly and began their lumbering trek towards snippy revenge.
And internally, Walter seethed.
"Deploy smoke launchers and cross the clearing! We'll rejoin the convoy."
"Will smoke launchers do anything? It's not like they're shooting at us," Walter's gunner incredulously squeaked.
"Listen." Walter brought up his hands slightly apart at chest level and eyed his crew with dangerous enthusiasm. "Giant Land Crabs are real right? The Judge has done this, in his infinite wisdom, to toy with my emotions. I've come to accept that. Therefore, Giant Terrestrial Squids(crystal) must also be real. What do squids do when trying to escape?" he raved to the bewildered crewmembers.
"Uh, they squirt ink to..."
"That's right! We shall mimic these mockeries of rationality to confuse and evade our predators."
Externally, Walter tried to appear as cool as a Giant Land Cucumber. He needed fill his subordinates with confidence and to temper their nerves for the chaos they raced towards.
Slack jawed and incredulous, the tankers rushed to obey their leader's mad plan, anything was better than waiting for pinching doom.