>>5322447> Anything that you have said have not inspired in anyone QM. In fact its like your expecting us to die like a rougelike.If we cant get logistical support (as in a fucking helicopter to get to our destination when we get to find the lake) using the remnant is a requirement when the sliver of chance is getting a speed boost or ease of movement if we want to find the dumb fucking lake. I do not care if we get to grow muscle in experience agony when the nerves kick in or move like a possessed girl with speed of a erratic spider when and our joints snap in the strain of it. Im voting to using it again.
Catastrophe have dosage, Soul strengthening have dosage, mind control have dosage even the machine warn us of not using the soul strengthening twice, then tell how or where the fuck did you retard learn the dosage for speed boost? a teaspoon worth a bucket a cup?
>Its disappointing most of the anon's have a strong reaction to rainbow. The fucking Qu's lgbt sewer reject used the fucking remnant we just work for to make her look like that to begin with. Man I FUCKING HATE her for that shit but its not because its a cute girl with a nice suit. Its a primal jew from hell that is leeching off our work the fucking lazy cunt.Did all of you fucks did not notice she used the remnant while all you act AWOOGA I WANT TO MURDER IT like a drukhari?
Yeah I want to kill her if you want me to stop, stop the coomer trying to fuck then I'll stop. Good luck
>>5322361>>The Hive is not built for travel. Even exploring the Wood is risky and the only towns/means of talking to people outside of the Pizzeria is traveling many miles. It would be a multiple day ordeal provided your power lasts that long. You are not built for finesse, there is a reason the Pizza making is automated and why the receipts only require a scribble at the bottom, with no extensive paperwork. You can punch and with full focus, pull a trigger(even that has a large chance of failing). If you've watched "Twitch Plays Pokemon", that is your existence. For what you have crafted, I won't name off every single one, but you all have a nack for rolling perfect rolls over and over again.Fuck you I'm not staying here in this pizzeria, at least if we get killed in the woods by a backflipping knife thrower night fucker at least we got killed by backflipping knife thrower night fucker rather than getting melted by a vacuum, In all seriousness I think the pizzeria will get more dangerous the more we get more robots and the anti hive already know our location, we better get exploring OR... maybe your right about not exploring and wait for skinner hey we have have a tons of option some are just more harder or near impossible.