>>5757654>>5757504>>5757369>>5757335>>5757294>>5757277You understand your council’s concerns—you really do. You have a bit of a bias towards your ‘own kind’, even if you are no TRUE Dragonborn by birth. How can you not, given how your Big Brother saw you through the tribulations of youth? But the Dragonborn ARE a danger—and that danger will only grow. They are a problem in need of a solution, if they are going to be asset and not liability.
“The Dragonborn shall be given a keep—an eyrie, perhaps,” you muse aloud, even as you work through the thoughts—thinking, in fact, of here the paladins rear their gryphons. “Somewhere where they can soar, and grow, and learn.”
“And who will manage that growth?”
You look ever to your Serpent Queen, surprised and even a little annoyed at her intrusion into the discussion—and to question you! But then, well, it IS her nature, and the question is fair. You tilt your head, a half-nod, and answer it.
“The Green Dragonborn will be able to contain their… Exuberance. And the Throat-singer—the Duergar Regent—will continue his apprenticeship under me. He can already control lesser reptiles. Given time, he may be able to exert a… Moderating effect upon them.”
Karz the Apprentice bows his head, and tries—fails—to hide a smirk.
“Superior One… Dragon King…” the bastard begins in True Speech, warily eyeing his rival from across the chamber. “Forgive me, but I fear you give the little mammal too much power. He is HUNGRY for such dominance… And if he gains an appetite for it, what if he seizes total control?”
“Hunger and greed are part of having a Dragon Soul,” you tell the Bastard. “Cultivate your own, and you will have nothing to fear.”
You hope this is true, but you are not done—and your next edict is a safeguard against such grabbing for power.
“It isss not enough to CONTROL or DOMINATE the Dragonborn, though,” you continue, reverting to Norther-Common-tongue. “It iss, mosst likely, IMPOSSSIBLE. They must learn the value of COMMUNITY, of TEAMWORK, as WE all have.”
There is a shuffling of feet and sidelong glances by those who, perhaps, recognize they have not fully done so… But everyone follows your message, and stays silent.
“The Wyrm Princes have begin to learn this message, and their mother, your Greatworm Queen, will help to foster it in the Red Dragonborn. My sons shall help to impart this great lesson to their cousins… And to keep them entertained, and occupied.”
And to counterbalance the might of the Dragonborn with their own, as well.