>>5304077>>5304145>>5304213>>5305660"Espionage and Reconnaissance Training sounds like a good start." You reply while giving the cabin a closer look. It contained a discrete kettle, and tea tray. Various snacks from chocolates to biscuits were laid out on display. The small room didn't have much in the way of space, but you'd make do. It was your first time on a train and despite the daunting environment you were also excited. You wanted to explore, pulling the curtains aside and the sun shines in through what you thought was a window. Instead of the platform and station staff you were looking out into a scenic valley. In the distance snow capped mountains rose to grasp for the newly rising sun. A field of wild dandelions shone brilliantly under the early morning rays. "Exterior windows would compromise the integrity of the high security carriage. High value personnel such as ourselves are often targets for assinadtion and kidnapping. If you wish to view outside you'd have to transition down into a less secure car" Herr Stumpfegger explained.
You weren't sure how to feel about the news, realizing you might be one of those high value targets made you worry. Everything was becoming more and more complicated. "Over-Marshal, am I allowed to explore the rest of the train?" You inquire, the prospect of being stuck inside a cabin for the entire ride was a dark one. Even with the false view. The combat body tilted its head at the words. "Of course Herr Mortimer, you have the clearance. I would allow that, but I'd appreciate it if you avoided drinking any excessive amounts of alcohol or drawing in undue attention. This isn't a holiday." The voice was calm and as nonchalant as an artificial tone could come across as. It didn't help that a death machine was depositing the information. It looked like it would be more natural howling in madness while carving through a battlefield.
Your superior leaves you with a Clearance pass and to get settled in, expressing his own interest at seeing the Anti-gravitational Engines in action up close. Once comfortable you regard the pair of dinosaurs to collect your courage. Hugging the plushy before resting it on your bed before pocketing the plastic one and stepping out of the cabin. Looking around the bustling carriage, the long walkway stretched down far beyond a few hundred meters or so. On one side you could recognize the common area you had walked past already. it was littered with passengers now as more flowed in and moved about. Before you have a moment to assess the situation further a woman approaches you. Wearing the matching simple suits as the other train attendants. She speaks, offering you a small mint for some reason. "Can I help you?"