Rolled 79, 36, 10, 26, 80, 50, 36, 45, 22, 72 = 456 (10d100)
>>6035387Turn 103-104
1-2 >Tech Up
The ants let out a long collective sigh, as the bloody and brutal wars are at last over. Now the efforts of peace can begin again. More importantly, we have new allies and new neighbors, and so if we mean to properly integrate with them we must strive to achieve technological parity!
3 >3/6 Textiles
We will need envoys, diplomats, liasons and much more with the confederacy. Ah, but it will certainly not due to have them wear merely exoskeletons. Humanoids appear to value the use of clothing as much as we do, and so we shall ensure that we are properly fashioned like a civilized race
4 >Foreign Student Sponsorship
The ants are impressed by the sophistication of Confederate society, who appear to have achieved many of the great feats of civilization our forebears and Empress have dreamed of. Our best and brightest aphids will have much to learn, and one day contribute, to the great universities and learning establishments of the Mountain Confederation
We will have aphids apply themselves and sponsor studentships among the universities. It is said that the Confederation were willing to integrate non-humanoids, so we must take the initiative and show them such efforts are not wasted upon Antdom
5-6 >Join-Technologies Initiative
It is the Will of the Empress that the Empire achieve technological parity with the other fellow member states of the Confederation, so that in the future we can also contribute to their research as well using our unique abilities of shared cognition. Efforts are made to introduce our brightest minds with theirs, and offer what we can provide
The Hive Mind has an eiditic memory, and the the abiliity to process thousands of calculations at once. In short order, our aphids would try to prove themselves useful contributors to Confederate experts, providing a means of near instantaneous mathematical calculation, memory and information recall, and more
7-10. >Boosted Public Relations
The most important we can do is to boost public relations between Ants and other member races of our new allies. Great efforts are made to endear the humanoids to the presence of ants, both high and low, as allies and citizens. Given the Confederation has tasked them with providing and distribution of food supplies, efforts are first made upon the farmers and laborers who are always the backbone of any society. Various ants will go about assisting farmers, farm hands, miners and other common denizens in their workloads. Where it can be done, an ant would ask to pair up with a confederate citizen and aid in their tasks and labours, but give the lions share of the wages to them, given ants have no need for such things as money at this time. What little they do collect returns to the hive, as a pool, which will be used to help fun local improvement projects for the humanoids
"Hearts and minds" is the phrase of the day
Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action