Action 1: Strength (E>D) - Active
Action 2: Passive - E6
Action 3: Passive
The Giant Enemy Lobster begins its reign of terror by devouring fish en-masse and disrupting fishing operations. Trawlers are knocked askew by it, and the reef is left devastated as it eats. The awareness of this creature sharply rises as a result.
As it feasts on whales and sharks, the G.E.L’s antennae direct it towards the closest source of radiation: The Eastern Seaboard. While it’s a bit far inland, there are numerous nuclear power plants on American soil. It becomes aware of the nuclear plants on E6, which will last it for quite a while.
The basking on a small island catches the attention of the Cuban authorities who have been troubled by its recent activity. This means that more eyes are on the Kaiju now, and its presence is being watched. Responses to its attacks will be improved, but should it successfully crush these reinforced cities or survive a stronger assault, it’ll grow stronger from the challenge.
Action 1: Strength (E>F) VS (E- Manila) - Active
Action 2: Special (F) - Passive
Action 3: Passive
DEWA-PENYU begins ripping into Manila! The attack is staunch, and it focuses on ripping into metal wherever it can find it.
>Size: E>Strength: F>Stamina: E>Speed: F>Special: FHowever, it must be tired from its awakening, for it’s not able to completely devastate the city, or leave an irrecoverably scar. Still, thousands are dead, due to the high population density.
While it chews on buses and bridges, oblivious to the fighter jets flying above it, the Kaiju is slowly approached by tanks. It can afford to ignore them as it integrates vast amounts of metal into its body, hardening itself temporarily.
>DEWA-PENYU has an improved Stamina stat against the next attack. (E>D)>DEWA-PENYU has consumed 1 energy > 0/4This leaves it vulnerable to the attack from a tank battalion. One explosion rocks its shell, sending the still-small titan fleeing deep into the ocean, away from the smoking Manila.