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There were a few other things on this shelf with the mirror though. Even though, with what you were picking out to wear, they wouldn’t fit well. One was a medal. The Silver Shield of Roland, awarded for your part in the Battle of Sundersschirm, where you last got wounded. The citation for it was right there on the plaque for it, but you hardly ever re-read it. You weren’t much of a fan of wearing stuff like this, but whenever in uniform, Hell’s brother Geroldt, Richter’s father, had told you to wear that medal. You were used to being messed with, it came with being a short scruffy girl amongst rogues and thugs, but when you wore that medal around here, <span class="mu-i">nobody</span> had a smart mouth. They didn’t even know what you got it for, just that no cadet was in any place whatsoever to shit talk a soldier who’d won a Silver Shield.
The other thing was an heirloom from…family, you guessed you could call it. Geroldt Von Tracht had given it to you- the short sword of an artillerist from the last century, more a tool than a real weapon. Hell had never been an artilleryman, and Gerold said, yes, he’d never been. This sword had belonged to his and Hell’s ancestor, one of the consorts of Helman the Silver Lance, who’d founded the house of Von Tracht. Silke Mondhohe, who <span class="mu-i">was</span> the minder of flying batteries for Helman’s mercenaries.
You didn’t think it was yours to claim, but Richter’s father had insisted that it belonged to Hell. Thus, it was passed to you. If you wanted, you could wear it like a saber- though you wouldn’t even have the right to wear a sword until you got your officer’s commission anyways. Not that it kept you from potentially wearing it anyways, as heirlooms had different rules.
The medal wasn’t supposed to be worn anywhere but on a uniform. The sword, though? Nobody could stop you, if you wanted.
>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.
>Wear the Sword? Even if you’re already overdressed.
>Other Accoutrement?