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By now, the battle is nearly coming to an end; what few remaining Mizarians are left on your bank of the river are by now being slaughtered piece by piece; some poor soldiers drown in the river trying to flee. The cavalry cut down what stragglers remain afoot in the rear, easy pickings for them. You see a few more unsporting types ride after a fleeing Mizarian in an attempt to see which one of them can stab him first.
Your own men are nearly done with throwing people into the river; some have even broken off to finish off what few remaining men lie wounded on the ground; the archers likewise have traded their bows for their secondary war knives. The wounded Mizarians, of course, can't really resist, but while the rearguard is busy slaughtering the enemy wounded on the ground, you notice a small group of enemy soldiers attempting to regroup, but they are exhausted and weakened by the day's fighting, and when a group of your horsemen comes upon them, they begin chipping at their circle of spears, slowly withering the formation until the last men.
On the other bank, the enemy archers are beating a quiet retreat; they know the battle is lost and that they are powerless to stop you, ahem, incapacitating the enemy's offensive capabilities.
You do find it a bit odd that you have received no proper calls from surrender from the ones stuck between your men and the river, but then again, it might be for the best.
<span class="mu-i"> ''My Lord, I believe that day is ours; in fact, our men have begun slitting the throats of the immobilised enemies. I'm not certain what the protocol is here; in Argalis, the nobles and knights would have been taken for ransom, and the common soldiers either let go after being deprived of their arms or killed. But I'm not certain whether those rules apply to the infidel or not.'' </span>
>No pity, no prisoners, I came here to stunt their capacity for raiding, and by St. Gerardus I intent to do as such.
>Try to at least take some prisoners, at very least they should know we are not without mercy, after all, if one of ours ends up being captured, we should be able to retrieve him.