Kill the Bad Luck Woman for 30 pieces of GOLD?
BadLuck !!O3p+gHj6FaI ID:6ygBZn5G No.5785674 View ViewReport Quoted By:
You will be paid 30 pieces of Gold to execute the Cursed Woman. She carries a curse that brings misfortune and bad luck to all who surround her. She's been deemed a threat to the kingdom and the task falls to you by random selection to carry out the task. Should you reject this duty. You will be banished from the kingdom. And forced to wander with this woman where danger roams outside the walls.
30 gold pieces will let you live an easy life. Buy your way into a magic school like you've always wanted. The woman stands before you looking absolutely broken and sad. The townsfolk are all gathered around the stump where she is to place her head. Nearby a large ornate silver axe with which to rend her from this life. The townsfolk are murmuring, some yell,
>"Kill the Witch!"
>"Devil woman!"
The overseer of these events stands near you in black robes looking expectantly towards you. Other guards dressed in black armor are nearby. The sky is overcast and lightly pecking down with rain. The woman stands and mutters,
"I can't help it... Please, I don't want to die!"
Her form seems to emanate this sort of mysterious cursed aura. The people, they're paying you to do this because they are scared. They don't know what will happen if she dies. Some believe she houses in her body a dark god. And that killing her will unleash it. They do not want to be the ones responsible.
The overseer speaks with a serious but soft tone. It has a deep resonance to it.
"This woman is cursed. And we must task you to do this. You will receive your gold once the deed is done. Should you refuse, I will have to conduct instead a banishment ceremony. But... It would probably be best, for everyone if she were slain. Don't you think?"
>"I will slay this woman."
>"I will not slay this woman."
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