>>5225258"Hold on." you call up to her, then between your hands quickly form a sphere of explosive ki. Your energy expands into an orb as broad as your chest, not your shoulders, then leave the orb floating in the room. Once your surprise is readied you raise your right hand to your forehead, focusing your ki sense on Tanya's tiny ki signature. She's moving away from you, rapidly ascending towards the top of the elevator shaft. You lock onto her energy, then with a moment's focus use your Instant Transmission to teleport right beneath Tanya. You leave the elevator behind, the world instantly shifting into the bare shaft as Tanya flies up to the sealed door. You watch as she tries kicking it, but her boot doesn't make a scuff, much less a dent or open the door. “Here, let me.”
You then fly up to her, Tanya moving back and giving you room to work. For a moment you consider just bashing them down, then have a better idea.
“Cover me.” you say, but before you even finish speaking, she's already pressing her much smaller frame against your back. You then close your eyes a second, taking a deep breath, and focus. Reaching out with both arms and your mind, you use your telekinesis to grab a hold of the two sliding doors. Then, as gently as you can, begin sliding them open. They open with a squeal of metal on metal, but as they open up, you're greeted with an unexpected sight. All twelve of the robotic bodyguards have their weapons drawn, eyes glaring at you with mechanical menace.
“Stay at the ready!” Tanya orders, flipping back over the top of your head and spinning to land on her feet in front of you. Then without looking at any of them keeps walking, marching right up towards Vox's door. “Sir. Elevator's power has been cut, we're under attack.”
“I'm activating the “Rampage” protocol now.” he says through the speaker beside the door, and suddenly not one, but two blast doors slide down over the main doors. “Is Karn still here?”
“Yeah, I'm here.” you say, walking up beside the tiny warrior. “Do you-”
<span class="mu-s">KABOOM</span>
“What the hell was that?!” Vox asks through the speaker as your energy detonates, putting a smirk on your face. Looks like you got that one. “What's going on?!”
“Left a present behind for the one who'd been cutting it's way up into your elevator.” you tell him, Vox not immediately responding.
What now?
>Tell Vox that you're leaving, and will cut down everything that tries attacking you on your way out>Ask what he wants to do, since you're here already you'll help out>Vox may be the owner, but Tanya's in charge of their military. Ask her how you can help out, and what she needs you to do>Leave them to this, focus on your wife's ki through a telepathic link and Instant Transmission right back home>Other(write in)