Quoted By:
There are just no two ways about it, you have never had any success in keeping things hidden from father - and you cannot muster up any reason why this would time be any different. You will just have to do your best to remember whatever you find ... though as you read more and more of the documents atop the desk, you have to wonder if you will be able to retain <span class="mu-i">anything</span>. Almost half of the papers are pages that have been cut out of a book - not recently to your eyes - and of course, they would have to be in some language that you cannot recognize, let alone read. You are able to recognize tables of numerical values on the pages, and you would think that these numbers are probably the most important bit of the passage, but you cannot possibly expect to make even the wildest of guesses as to what your father's interest was about. Flipping through the loose pages - careful to keep them in the order you found them in - you search for notes in the margin from father, or illustrations, anything that you could actually use. As you had feared, there is nothing. Trying not to completely sour on all of this, you turn your attention to the more incidental and scattered pages across the desktop. A number of them just appear to be scraps of paper with numbers written on them and the occasional doodle, but here and there are lists written in plain Reichtongue, quite obvious in your father's tight, neat hand.
By your count there are five of these lists, two of which look like they were written on the same piece of paper then separated. All of them list different sorts of cuts of meat from various animals, nothing particularly unusual about the animals or the cuts - though you can see that there are duplicate and triplicate items on the list, specifying different purveyors for the same cut. You are intrigued, certainly, but beyond the notion that these lists are materials for Constructs, you cannot possibly conclude anything. You cannot even say if these are to be the target, the working material or the Fuel for the Weaving ... at least until you notice that there is one line on one list that is stuck through twice, with the note 'respiratory' to the side. From that you could reasonably guess that the lists are of working material, and the line - which appears to be 'rabbit quarters' - suggests ... that it was or wasn't suitable for respiratory work? The strike through would certainly suggest something negative, considering that it - along with the note - is the only additional marking on any of the lists. Or maybe it is saying that rabbit quarters are good for respiratory work, though from your limited understanding of Weaving and the Many Mysteries in general, you would assume that you would want rabbit lungs to work into a respiratory system for a Construct.